Saturday 6 January 2018


This morning was cold and wet and we wanted to have an adventure, but did not have a purposeful destination.  Let's just go out and see where we end up.
 As the morning went on, we ended up at Peak Wildlife Park.  Good for a walk amongst the Lemurs.  They are fascinating animals.
 The Ringtails were pottering about in small groups around feeding time.  As always, the challenge is to take photographs that exclude the feeders, keepers and general visitors.
 Every time we visit this active zoo,  I am amazed at how relaxed the animals are.
 Here a pair of Black Lemurs are huddled together in the cold.  A few minutes later, they were off to their shelter to get warm (only out to get food).
 The Otter, which was alone after losing it companion  prior to our last visit, now has a new mate - and a bunch of little ones to cope with.
I also have a fascination with the flock of Humboldt Penguins, which can normally be viewed under water.  The most notable thing about penguins is the smell of fish that goes everywhere with them.

Alas, the Sika deer were not available as they had been moved out of the public area during rutting, for safety reasons.

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